Introducing DIGI-YOUTH-KIT to Our Project Lineup!

One of our newest additions to our running #ErasmusPlus projects is DIGI-YOUTH-KIT.

You can find a brief overview on its dedicated “Project Card” – and we’ll keep you updated with more news as the project progresses.

Stay tuned!

Project Name

Project Description
The primary priority of this project is to improve the quality, innovation, and recognition of youth work. Our main focus is on youth centers, where staff, members, and representatives are dedicated to working for youth, organizing and supporting various activities for and with young people. We believe that through this project, we will introduce innovation and directly improve the quality of youth work by designing and supporting the development of basic skills for stakeholders directly involved in youth work and operating in youth centers. Through this project, we aim to support youth workers by creating open educational resources in the form of online training courses, developing a management guide, and an electronic game to aid in the training of youth workers who wish to develop specific skills related to the role of a coordinator and/or facilitator in a youth center.

Project Duration

Coordinating Organization

Project Lead
Associate Professor Veselina Zhecheva PhD

Funding Program
Erasmus+, KA220-YOU – Cooperation partnerships in youth

#digi-youth-kit #youth