About the Project
The VETgoesRURAL project aims to improve VET professionals’ skills and capacities in providing education and fostering learners’ engagement in EU isolated rural and remote areas. To fulfil this aim, the project will design, test and fine-tune innovative VET teaching and training methods, with an appropriate mix of open, digital and participative learning environments.
In line with high-level policy-making, partners also have identified an urgent need for further actions aimed to enhance and facilitate rural people’s participation in VET. The project emerges from the will of 7 partners to cooperate transnationally in order to innovate educational practices for their on-the-ground activities and transfer those to other practitioners in their isolated rural/remote communities.
Full title: VET programmes need to be accessible for vulnerable groups, low-skilled people and people in rural areas areas
Start: 01/11/2021
Finish: 31/10/2023
Programme: Erasmus+
Sub-Programme: KA2
The Partnership