About the Project

Today’s society requires its members to have a wide range of skills and competencies in various fields. The majority of jobs offered require candidates to have a fairly advanced level of digital literacy, developed communication, problem solving and teamwork skills, critical thinking, etc. More and more companies around the world prefer to hire new graduates with a high level of soft skills gained from out of school learning environments.

According to recent studies, a large percentage of European young adults are low-skilled, without any work experience, digitally illiterate. For this reason, the transition from education to work can be extremely difficult for an average new graduate.

VET3D is an Erasmus+ funded project that aims at promoting the three-dimensional approach in VET merging formal, non-formal and work-based training. The three-dimensional approach will allow VET students not only to gain necessary professional skills during their education, but also develop transversal competencies which have an increasing importance at today’s labor market. In this way, the project will contribute to addressing the problem of youth unemployment through increasing the coherence between the vocational training offer and the business needs.                                    

Full title: 3D Learning Dimensions in Vocational Education

Start: 02.11.2021                                                                                     

Finish: 02.05.2024

Programme: Erasmus+

Sub-Programme: KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training


The Partnership

The participating countries and partner organizations are: Evropska rozvojova agentura, s.r.o (Czech Republic), European Institute for Local Development (Greece), Aurive Societa Cooperativa Sociale (Italy), Project Net (Latvia), Novareckon srl (Italy), Biznesa Makslas un Technologiju Augstskola Riseba (Latvia), Thalis Civil Non-Profit Company (Greece), Biskupske gymnasium (Czech Republic).

Project material