About the Project
ILIS is an association that aims to enhance employability and entrepreneurship among long-term unemployed vulnerable adults, especially women, in three partner countries. They will achieve this through a digital employability itinerary that includes job search skills and entrepreneurial training. The project focuses on improving the participants’ digital and financial skills to enhance their family finances and promote the social economy. The project will address both the entrepreneurial and paid employment aspects, as well as the digitization and improvement of family finances. The target audience will participate in designing the project, with face-to-face workshops in the three countries to work on employability, digital, and financial skills. The specific objectives of ILIS are to improve digital skills, socio-labor integration skills, design and implement a digital employability itinerary, improve family financial health, and promote the entrepreneurial spirit of the group. The project will improve the skills of the group and help them create their own jobs while enhancing their social inclusion through personal brand, self-esteem, and financial skills, among others.
Full Title: Employ in Digital: Innovative Solutions
Project website:
Start: 01/11/2022
Finish: 01/05/2024
Programme: Erasmus+
Action Type: KA210-ADU – Small-scale partnerships in adult education
The Partnership: NANTIK LUM FOUNDATION (Spain), FUNDACJA INSTYTUT BADAN I INNOWACJI W EDUKACJI(Poland), European Institute for Local Development (Greece),