Developing and Promoting Knowledge on the field of Mensurol Heolth as well osincreasement of owareness on topics such as Hygiene, Biologicol – Reproductive System,Sexual Educotion in Youth ocross Europe ond World.The European project, “PERIOD Empowerment Network” has been co-funded by theEuropean Commission and implemented under the Erasmus + KA2 programs since December 2018.
The project aims to raise public awareness on issues related tomenstruation and eliminate stereotypes related to this topic.The participant countries and partner organizations are: Terram Pacis (Noruvay), EIAEnsino e lnvestigacao E Administracao SA (Portugal), Wyzsza Szkola Biznesu I Nauk OZdrowiu (Poland),European lnstitute for Local Development (Greece),Erasmus MundusStudents and Alumni Association (Belgium), Asociacion de lnnovacion,Emprendimiento y Technologias de la | (Spain), Samahan ng mga Pilipina para saReporma at Kaunlaran (Philippines), Hello Youth (Sweeden), Camions of Care,(USA),Volunteer Action for Change (Kenya), Uganda Youth Skills Training Organization(Uganda) ror Disha lnternational Foundation Trust (lndia).The main goals of the project are to re-educate our societies about menstruation and tofight stigma and discrimination against women. To be more specific, it emphasizes on thetraining of young people in biological and health topics, in menstrual products as well as insex education.The European project “PERIOD Empowerment Network” aims to create educational materialabout this topic by gathering data related to the needs of the people with menstruation.Moreover, it aims to reduce the gap between existing knowledge in society and reality, notonly across Europe but also in the other cooperating States.ln the end, the results of this project will be used to develop a handbook with best practicesand activities that aim at enhancing knowledge and promoting lifelong menstrual education.