ESY - Easy School For Young Students
About the Project
Early school leaving still remains relevant nowadays, even if great efforts are underway by the EC and Member States.
Recent studies point out that slow progress has been done towards achieving the Europe 2020 target of reducing the share of early school leavers below the 10% benchmark.
In 2015 there were more than 4 million early school leavers across Europe (young people with a migrant background are more at risk of early school leaving; the risk is especially high for disadvantaged minorities).
In 2016, an average of 10.7% of young people (aged 18-24) in the EU -28 were early leavers from education and training.
Contacts and consultations with project partners have also underlined that the situation is very similar in partners countries in 2016: 11.2% UK, 14.0% in Portugal, 13.8% in Italy and 6.2% in Greece (Eurostat).
The project supports the exchange of good practices amongst partners in prevention of early school leaving and to provide support mainly for pupils and students with fewer opportunities (e.g. migrants, minorities, social or family problems, cultural differences, economic obstacles).
The specific objectives of the ESY project proposal are listed below:
- to create and develop the European network of organizations active in the field of combating early school leaving
- to share methodologies and best practices in the field of the project
- to increase the capacity of partner organizations to operate at European level
- to improve the learning performance of pupils/students at risk and youngsters with fewer opportunities
- to ensure that young people acquire the relevant skills for the labour market
- to developing non-formal learning opportunities to address early school leaving and to better prepare young people for the labor market
- to foster intercultural awareness, to promote social inclusion and equity
Full title: Easy School for Young Students
Start: 01/01/2018
Finish: 01/02/2020
Programme: Erasmus+
Sub-Programme: Key Action 2
The Partnership
The partnership consists of United Kingdom (Sport and Thought, Football as Therapy), Portugal (National Association of Educational Innovation and Inclusions in Schools – AENIS), Greece (European Institute for Local Development) and Italy (L’ Arca di Noe Associazione ONLUS).