EILD’s Implementation Of The 2nd ICT Training Hotspot Continues And The 3rd One Begins

Despite the unprecedented difficulties that had risen due to the Covid-19 pandemic, EILD managed to continue its 2nd ICT Training Hotspot in collaboration with the Municipality of Metamorfossi, in Attica, Greece. EILD is also moving forward to implementing the 3rd ICT Training Hotspot in collaboration with the Municipality of Palaio Faliro, in Attica, Greece.

In both cases, the participants will receive free digital skills development courses, which will be held in 2 cycles. In order to maximize the attendance of the beneficiaries we decided to run a poll for those interested, in order to define the dates and times. Certificates of attendance will be issued by EILD.

EILD would like to express its gratitude to the municipalities for using their official channels in order to promote the project to all relevant stakeholders. Combining our actions, we are aiming at realizing one of the biggest dissemination campaigns, for promoting the projects’ results and ensuring its sustainability, in both national and European level.

Announcement by the Municipality of Metamorfossi: https://www.metamorfossi.gr/el_GR/deltia-typou/-/asset_publisher/15iTbH0ZyOxm/content/deloses-symmetoches-sto-programma-e-design-europaike-psephiake-ekpaideuse-gia-ten-koinonike-entaxe-kai-ten-pankosmia-geitonia-/maximized?_101_INSTANCE_15iTbH0ZyOxm_redirect=%2Fel

Announcement by the Municipality of Palaio Faliro: https://www.pfaliro.gr/dwrean-mathimata-diadiktyakwn/?fbclid=IwAR2SO3QrW3Nw5aXmMy3DiPxnfsIlEGn-O4tzrZhN71JzA0PMsBX1BUyqcMk

E-mail: info@eurolocaldevelopment.org

Site: https://eurolocaldevelopment.org/

Connected 4 Development: https://connected4development.com//p>

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