The Dialogue In Adult Learning (DIAL) project aims to tackle the issue of social polarization. The DIAL project’s solution is a new dialogue model for adult learners, which any individual or organization can use. The DIAL project views dialogue skills as a vital life skill for democratic participation for all, also groups underrepresented in adult learning and democratic activity.
DIAL aims to reach the following results: • An increasing number of Europeans have the skills and opportunities to engage in dialogue, and consequently have a greater sense of engagement • Trainers, coordinators and other individuals working in educational institutions have the tools and an increased ability to engage people in dialogue in a variety of settings • Dialogue skills are better understood as a basic life skill, especially as comes to adult learners.
DIAL ACTIVITIES • Mutual learning activities for trainers, other stakeholders and partners • Low-threshold dialogue activities among learners to engage them and help them acquire new skills • Pilot training courses for adult educators and other promoters of dialogue
The Project Card
Full title:       Dialogue In Adult Learning (DIAL) Start:             01/09/2022 Finish:           31/08/2024 Programme: Erasmus+ Action Type: KA220-ADU – Cooperation partnerships in adult education Call:               2022 Field:             Adult Education Project Title: Dialogue In Adult Learning Project Acronym:     DIAL