Dear colleagues,
With respect to the third transnational meeting’s agenda hosted by the European Institute of Local Development (EILD) in Athens (GR), the topics focused primarily on the activities still to be implemented and their proper evaluation along with the development of the toolkit and video materials. More specifically, the partners focused initially on the outcomes of the focus groups held to inform the development of the toolkit and the implementation of the EPALE community of practice. The discussion proceeded with the hows and whys of the video creation and its dissemination and promotional strategy.
Οther topics further analyzed during the meet up included the guidelines for the training module (topics, selection, duration, etc.), the short-term training specifics for staff and professionals, the strategies (transferability, sustainability) employed, the dissemination plan and the raise of awareness about the project.
Last but not least, the meeting concluded with refining the overall monitoring check of the project.
Altogether, the duration of the project is from 03/09/2018 until 02/09/2020 and the partnership consists of organisations from six European countries: Italy (Consorzio Social Lab Società Cooperativa Sociale- Project Coordinator & Associazione Novissi Onlus), Cyprus (Eurosuccess Consulting), Greece (European Institute for Local Development), Spain (Fundación de la Comunidad Valenciana del Pacto para el Empleo- FCVPE), Netherlands (Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work) and Turkey (Adiyaman Milli Egitim Mudurlugu).
Find more about the Cultural Crossroads project here or follow us on our official facebook page @culturalcrossroads.
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