Boost Environmental Guardianship For Inclusion
About the Project​
The project seeks to define models for the creation and management of social start-ups finalized to inclusion of disadvantaged people. The social start-up they will have to take care of is safeguarding the environmental heritage.
The overall objective and expected change of the project is to create tools to encourage the development of social undertakings engaged to environmental protection, which may then contribute to the improvement of the territories both for the use by citizens and by tourists. Social enterprises will also have repercussions in terms of employment of people with disadvantage employment.
The direct beneficiaries will be the facilitators of social start up. Indirect beneficiaries will be the potential social start uppers and people with disadvantage employment.
The project enhances the results of research conducted in Italy. In the project are provided for meetings and other research capacity building. Also they will be lay the foundation for the creation of a Network of facilitators and an Action Plan to support social start up.
Full title: Boost Environmental Guardianship for Inclusion
Start: 01/02/2018
Finish: 31/07/2019
Programme: Adriatic-Ionian Programme INTERREG
Sub-Programme: Innovative and smart region
Website: TBA