Full title: STEPS
Start: 10.01.2018
Finish: 30.09.2019
Programme: Erasmus+
Sub-Programme: KA2
Given the upward trend in dropout rates the last couple years, STEPS project team steps up and takes initiative.
The third transnational meeting of the project took place in Vicenza, Italy where partners met to evaluate their up-to-now progress and set milestones until the next project meeting. Primarily, the meeting focused on the presentation and evaluation of the dissemination strategy of the project. The partners went through the facebook page and official website reviewing the existing trends and thematology in order to inform their future strategy.
During the first day the partners, also, reviewed the expenses and administrative issues and went through the finance bits. However, the focus shifted towards the allocation of activities per project partner and the definite set of deadlines to meet. After the individual tasks assignment, the meeting continued with the design of the catalog of good practices. The partners decided that the catalogue should be translated not just in the official project language (English) but also in each partner’s national language individually. The content should derive from activities and initiatives run by adolescents and young adults in precarious situations (refugees, dropouts, etc.).
This project will result in volunteers and main employees broadening their mind and their intercultural competence by getting to know new procedures applied within different culture groups, as well as in a European network between experts of occupational, general and adult education, who want sports and other free time activities to serve as a way to reach out to teenagers and young adults in need.
Next meeting has been scheduled for the end of February in Austria.
Find out more about the project by visiting the official website here.